Charter: Documents of Early England Data Set 00810012
Signature: 00810012
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[1148-00-00 - 1150-00-00]
12. Charter of Earl William confirming to St. Augustine's, Bristol, Robert Fitz Harding's grant of land at Leigh (SOM-) (I 14 8-5 o)BCM, 'Cart. St. Augustine's Bristol', fOS. 24-24b; facsm. in Bodl. MS. Film Dep. 912. (Confirmation, LEIGH, SOMERSETSHIRE (ENGLAND)) Givers: William, Earl of Gloucester Receivers: Bristol - St. Augustine's Abbey
Source Regest: DEEDS-Database:
Will[elmu]s comes Gloec[estrie] Symoni dei gratia Wigornensi episcopo et omnibus religiosis viris eiusdem episcopatus Hub[er]to dapifero et omnibus suis baronibus et vicecomitibus et iusticiis et amicis et fidelibus et probis suis hominibus Francis et Angl[is] et Walensibus salutem Notum vobis omnibus presentibus et futuris facio me concessisse et presentis carte munimine corroborasse donationem illam quam Rob[er]tus Hard[ingi] filius fecit de terra de Lega et de omnibus eidem terre pertinentibus cenobio de canonicis regularibus quod idem Rob[er]tus constituit in ecclesia beati Aug[ustini] apud Brist[ou] Et ego concedo ex parte mea eidem cenobio prefatam terram de me et de heredibus meis liberam et quietam ab omni servitio et exactione in perpetuum tenere t[estibus] etc
Source Fulltext: Earldom of Gloucester Charters. The Charters and Scribes of the Earls and Countesses of Gloucester to A.D. 1217. R. B. Patterson. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1973.


Date: The latest possible date for this charter's issue is I 150, the year of Bishop Simon of Worcester's death (HBC26o). Leigh was part of the manor of Bedminster (Som.) with which William's father, Earl Robert, had enfeoffed Robert Fitz Harding (Regesta iii, no. iooo; Cal. Charter Rolls, iv. 79).
  • Earldom of Gloucester Charters. The Charters and Scribes of the Earls and Countesses of Gloucester to A.D. 1217. R. B. Patterson. Clarendon Press. Oxford. 1973.
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