Charter: Urkunden St. Dorothea (1259-1778) 1552 IV 11
Signature: 1552 IV 11
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11. April 1552
Johannes Weiss, Propst zu St. Dorothea ("Episcopalis confirmatio electi praepositi"). Christopohus Viennensis Episcopus ratam habet electionem Joannis Albi (:Weiß:) etiam Albini dicti nostri Claustroneuburgensi Cannonici, in Praepositum S. Dorotheae. Inter eos erat noster Praepositus Christophorus Stashel.
Source Regest: 
Kartei Stiftsarchiv Klosterneuburg

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Stiftsarchiv Klosterneuburg (

    Handschrift D 80, Y, Nr. 7


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