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The search feature provides you with indexed content
of all published charter descriptions in the database.
- International Diplomatic Terminology
- Illuminated Charters: Niveaus
- Vocabulaire Internationale de la Sigillographie
- Glossary of illuminated charters (in German)
- Issuers of (illuminated) collective indulgences
- Persons in monasterium.net with a wikidata entry
- Index of notaries from Codex Diplomatics Cavensis
- Persons in the Archivo de la Catedral de Cuenca
- Index of the Reeves in Codex Diplomaticus Cavensis.
- Index of the Abbots of San Massimo.
- Index of Judges of the Codex Diplomaticus Cavensis.
- Bishops acting as issuers of illuminated charters
- Index of persons in Fontenay collection