Charter: Urkunden (827-1854) 1420-1423
Signature: 1420-1423
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1420 - 1423
Fr. Ulrich Profeß v(on) Wilhering schreibt folgende Tractate: 1420 de confessione, 1420 quatuor novissimorum, 1422 Speculum monachorum regate b. Benedicti abbatis editum per venerabilem abbatem et doctorem Bernhardum Cassinensum. 1422 Epistola fratrij Francisci professi in Castello O.S.B. 1423 Exhortacio compilata a quodam fratre ord. Carthusiani prope Pragam. 1423 Regulae contra conscienciam erroneam.
Source Regest: 
Regestenbuch Wilhering Nr. 1025

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