Charter: Urkunden (827-1854) 1457 X 14
Signature: 1457 X 14
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14. Oktober 1457, Stams
Abt Georg v(on) Stams, "receptor et collector quarumdam quottarum seu taxarum in certis monasteriis nostri Ordinis ad defendendas Ordinis libertates per..(vakat) dominum Johannem abbatem Morimundi plenaria auctoritate ipsius ordinis in hoc parte fungentem specialiter deputatus" quittirt den Abt v(on) Wilhering über empfangene 6 ungarische Gulden.
Source Regest: Regestenbuch Wilhering Nr. 1206

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Stiftsarchiv Wilhering (

1 hängendes GegensiegelMaterial: Pergament
    • Stams
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