Charter: Archivy českých klášterů zrušených za Josefa II. (1115-1760) // ŘC Zl. Koruna 1476 V 11
Signature: 1476 V 11
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11. Mai 1476<sup>1</sup>
Nicolaus abbas et Laurentius supprior S. Coronae testantur, quod P. Martinus parochus in Czernicz emerit a Gaudentio Rayoviensi pratum Slethowska (al. Slechowska) dictum pro l6½ sexag. gross. Boem. pro ecclesia S. Magdalenae in Czernitz, ita tamen ut possideatur pratum quoad usum a communitate aut aliquo ex communitate Rayoviensi, nisi ipsimet recusarent, tunc enim poterit prato parochus uti et tenebitur 6 sacra celebrare annue.
Source Regest: 
PANGERL, Anhang Stift Goldenkron (=FRA II/37, Wien 1872) S. 617, Nr. 41

1 Sabbato ante dominicam Cantate.
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