Charter: Meichelbeck, Carl; Haidenfeld, Alphons von: Chronicon Benedictoburanum II, 1751 (Google data)  Num. LXXIV.!
Signature:  Num. LXXIV.!

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Chronici Benedictoburani Pars II. Instrumentaria, Num. LXXIV.! , S. 24

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Chronici Benedictoburani Pars II. Instrumentaria, Num. LXXIV.! , S. 24


    Num. LXXIV.!

    Nocum sic prescneibus & superveniencibus, scire volencibus, Gotc- schalcum nobilcm virum, predium suum sancto Benedicto Burensi pacro- no, quod videbacur in Sconcnbach heredicacis jure possedislè cali racioac & condicionc cradidisle, uc non haboac abbas poccstaccm exindc aliquem inbeneficiarc, vcl alicui venderc, vcl concambire. Quod fi alkcr fàctum fucric, Alcounc fracer ejusdem G. habeac pocestacem predium hoc invadendt & in suos lisus convercendi, dacis camen probabilioris monecae deeem ta- | lencis super alcare S.Bencdicti> & sic omni remoca contradictionc perpetua- licer pofïìdeac, eandcmque condicioncm íuae postericaci transmitcat. Hujus condicionis & tradicionis sunt hii testes. Pilgrim de Eskinowe, Gotescalh de Tambach, Bcrhcold & fracer ejus, Wicigo dePeringin, Landfrid & fra cer ejus, Hadcvvin de Mczemcringin, Occo de Phafinchirichcn, Werin- herus de Arnovvc, Havvarc de Sconcnbach, Roudulfus de Brukkc, Roú- degerus de Wccilinchcim. Wcrinhcrc, Ministcriales hujus Ecclesiae Bcre- hart, Bernharc de Laincgrebcn & fractr ejus, Harcmandus de Augusta,


    Chronici BenediBoburani,

    Gocehalm cognomenco Grozze Sec. Acta sunc aucem haec anno Domioicas Incarn. M, C. XLVII. in presencia Domini Walthcri Abbacis.


    Pradium traditam nobis manet incognitum.

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