Charter: Meichelbeck, Carl; Haidenfeld, Alphons von: Chronicon Benedictoburanum II, 1751 (Google data)  Num. XXXVI.
Signature:  Num. XXXVI.

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Chronici Benedictoburani Pars II. Instrumentaria, Num. XXXVI. , S. 14

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Chronici Benedictoburani Pars II. Instrumentaria, Num. XXXVI. , S. 14


    Num. XXXVI.

    Notum facimus cam prcscntibus quam supervenientibus hominibus, qualicer quidam liber homo Engilram de Telingen delcgaveric predia sua, Telingin» Nezstal, Hobedorf ad alcarc S. Bcnedicti pro rcmedio animae patris fui 6c omnium parencum íuorum, si absque uxore vel herede com-

    B 3 pare

    Chronici Benedittoburani

    pare vel íupcriore vica discesserit. Hoc ccstificantur Chounradus de Go- zolcshusen, Adclbcrtus de Pfafcnhoven, Roudtgcrus de Bouch, Megin- hardus de Maiíàhc, Chounradus de Gisingen, Chounradus de Mammcn- dorf, Bcrhcoldus de Mouccrspach, Heinricus de Bouchaim, Hcnricus de Pingern j icem Hcnricus de Pingern, Pilgrinus de Tannent, Oudallcalhus de Mouccrspach.


    Nihil de his pradiis nobis fuperefi.

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