Charter: Urkundenbuch von den mittelrheinischen Territorien I, ed. Beyer, Eltester, 1860 (Google data)  Num. XXVIII.
Signature:  Num. XXVIII.

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Chronici Benedictoburani Pars II. Instrumentaria, Num. XXVIII. , S. 13

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Chronici Benedictoburani Pars II. Instrumentaria, Num. XXVIII. , S. 13


    Num. XXVIII.

    Delegavic Deo 6c S. Bcnedicto sracribusque sibi íèrvientibus Etich predium íuum in Alling mansum unum 6c eo amplius cum confeníu Domini fui Arn se. Arnoldi de Lucelstcccn per manum Domini Gcbolfi de Askc- ringen pro Commcmoracione fui 6c omnium fidelium desunctorum. Te* slantur haec Chounrachc 6c frater ejus Hcinrich de Brunnen , Berehart 6c fracer ejus Eberharc, Bernhart 6c fìlius ejus Walcman, Engilbertus de Puhilc, aiiique mulci.


    Nihtl hodie de hoc pr<xdi$ habemus.

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