Charter: Perényi család (Q 148) 71112
Signature: 71112
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Buda, Peren-i Imre Abaujmegye (Abawywariensis) örökös ispán nádor (et iudex Comanorum) és Ulászló király helytartója meghagyja Kewlche-i Lajosnak, Márknak és Lászlónak, Bornemyzza Gáspár Esthwandy papnak, Czegen-i Kendel Lőrincnek és Péternek, Czegen-i Jánosnak, Rosal-i Kwn Pálnak, Domanhyda-i Simonnak, Dengeleg-i Ferencnek, Nadasd-i Mátyásnak, Pathyod-i Kelemennek, Fewldes-i Gergelynek és Kwn Pál Wgocha megyei Salank-i tisztjének: Horwath Andrásnak, hogy Peren-i Gábor királyi főkamarásmester panasza tárgyában, mely szerint ”Osualdo Kowa[ch], Demetrio Kys, Luca frabro (!), Johanne frabro(!), Jacobo Mwsay, Ablerto Mwsay, Simone Greda, altero Simone Fabyan, Nicolao similiter Fabian, Vrbano Beke, Michaele similiter Beke, Clemente Weres, Paulo Beke, Gallo Weres, Elia Beke, Johanne Feyes, Georgio Tharswtho, Ambrosio Fodor, Matheo Simon, Mattino Bozzasy, Andrea Naghbathy, Johanne Beke, Gregorio Fylep, Matheo Nesthe, Benedicti Bartha, Paulo Molnar, altero Paulo Feyes, Clemente Kowach, Johanne Sebesthyn, Simone Sebasthyan, Anthonio Thwry, Petro Jakab, Ladislao Balynth, Barnaba Mwsay, Dominico similiter Mwsay, Laurentio Kormos, Anthonio Feyes, Johanne Therek, altero Johanne Tewkes, Blasio Nyeko, Franciscus Zalaghy, Johanne Zolthan, Sebastiano Lwdas, Gregorio Pap, Mathia Banchyk, Antonio Mod, Petri Simon, Gregorio Pap, Johanne similiter Pap, Petro Beke, Martino Weres, Matheo similiter Weres, Gregorio Weres, Anthonio Varga, Blasio Zakach, Demetrio Mezody, Matheo Pasthor, Valentino Thwry, Ladislao Mezewdy, Simone Mwsay, Bartholomeo Kewmyes, Anthonio Kor[...] Francisco Halaz, Petro Bach, Gallo Mathe, Thoma Soos, Nicolao Sypos, Martino Kassay, Ambrosio Korlath, Petro Mathe, Paulo Byro, Michaele Bos, altero Michaele Pap, Valentino Alch, Petro Mathe, Nicolao Phylep, Georgio Doma, in Kewlche predicta, Laurentio Kyral, Benedicto similiter Kyral, Dyonisio Palady, Michaele Palady, Petro Weres, Vrbano [...] Valentino Kormos, Thoma Forgolamy, Petro Zakach, Matheo Polgar, Michaele Koly, Anthonio Azzon, Martino Nyryageb, Barnaba Ageb, Anthonio fa[...] Dionisio [...] ch, Simone pater, Anthonio Jakab, Michaele Zylagy, Dominico Barmos, Stephano Paar, altero Stephano [...]osy, Balyko Kathona, Ambrosio Pasthor, Thoma Foztho, Petro [...]lady, Ladislao Barch, Thoma Kormos, Petro Bewdewr, Benediocto Barthos, in Kyskewlche, Adam Byro, Gregorio Feyes, Thoma Ked, Ladislao Warga, Stephano Zalkay, Blasio Ferencz, Gregorio Gyarmathy, Emerico Zaz, Valentino Gyarmathy, Stephano Phylep, Johanne Myklos, Thoma Koua, Alberto Marthon, altero Alberto Bako, Johanne Nagh, altero Johanne Koua, Gregorio Zaka, Laurentio Mathe, Dionisio [...]a, Nicolao Bartha, Francisco Banya, Lazaro Bako, Simone Damokos, Johanne Bako, Clemente Damokos, Stephano Jakab, Gregorio Demyen, Johann Jakab, Alberto Lwkach, Martino Jakab, Stepheno Illyes, Clemente Lwkach, Anthonio Damakos, Gregorio NaghJanos, Elia Kathona, Petro Fyas, Laurentio Barath, Johanne Alch, Dominico Jo...age., Michaele Ferenczy, Dobos Thamas, Johanne Chederk, Benedicto Phylep, Egidio Koua, Benedicto Kanthor, Petro Regh, Mathia, Fylep, Anthonio Zaky, Petro Mathe, Valentino Zabo, Ladislao Konya, Thoma Lwgzy, Bendicto Barhta, Valentino Mark, Thoma Jakab, Benedicto Bartha, Emerico Kycz, Gallo Kanthor, Blasio similiter Kanthor, Clemente Thorbath, Anthonio Reth, Emerico Byro, Clemente similiter Byro, Paulo Lwkach, Valentino Kanthor, Lazaro Kanthor, Petro Nesthe, Thoma Konya, Stephano Jakab, Martino Ageb, Stephano Molnar, altero Stepheno Dobos, Ladislao Zabo, Johanne Simon, Clemente Marthon in Cheke, Petro Thwrthyn, Ladislao Kysthar, Stephano Gathaly, Ladislao Fodor, Demetrio similiter Fodor, Ambrosio Gewbecz, Benedicto Mochy, Petro Eles, Andrea Bayank, Johanne Molnar, Stephano Eles, Gregorio Kys, Clemente Job, Benedicto Kys, Ambrosio Nagh, Briccio Kapros, Stephano Rasa, Gregorio Gembecz, altero Gregorio Weres, Paulo Chengery, Petro Jwhaz, Clemente, Paulo Forgacz, Thoma Nagh, Stephano Monyos, Benedicto Kys, Dominico litterato, Gregorio litterato, Nicolao Paly, altero Nicolao Zolga, Andrea Wayos, Blasio Thar in iamdicta Czegen, Sebastiano Balko, Johanne Pethe, Dominico Balko, Sebestiano fabro, Ladislao Nagh, Demetrio Alch, Michaele Thoth, Blasio Fekethe, Philip Pethe, Anthonio Zaz, Elia Fodor, Blasio Petho, Blasio Thoth, Matheo Lanthos, Nicolao Balog, Valentino Oroz, Ambrosio Petho, Johanne Zewke, Gregorio Recze, Johanne Fodor, Stephano Was, altero Stephano Gorzan, Andrea similiter Gorzon, Johanne Gorzon, Nicolao Both, Anthonio Belparth, Andrea Farkas, Nicolao Farkas, Benedicto Gorzon, Matheo Bodog, Johanne Katho, Benedicto Zezke, Demetrio Zaz, Ambrosio Pynczes, Paulo Pyspek, Clemente Thoth, Georgio Illethes, Alberto Chwfody, Benedicto Sebesthyen, Paulo Sebesthyen, Georgio Pogan, Sebastian Bith, Alberto Esthwandy, Johanne similiter Esthwandy, Blasio Pyspek, Ladislao Pethew, Paulo Nagh, Stephano Balthasar, Benedicto fabro, Ladislao Balog, Thoma Nagh, Laurentio Warga, Blasio Nagh, Benedicto similiter Nagh, Michaele Zaz, Demetrio Illyes, Johanne Balog, Michaele Bencze, Matheo Zezke, Ambrosio Zaz in Naghzekeres, Matheo Warga, Benedicto Molnar, altero Benedicto Symon, Blasio Nylas, Clemente Berecz, Anna Madar, Gregorio Warga, Alberto Rosa, Augustino Wyncze, Matheo Reges, Philipo Dyenes, Mathia Chonth, Andrea Thoth, Elia Elych, Johanne Warga, Anthonio Benedek, Nicolao Soos, Jacobo Wyncze, Blasio Kalmar, Valentino Wndyg, Laurentio Nylas, Blasio Molnar, Petro Anthal, altero Petro Warga, Martino Balog, Matheo Simon, Augustino Sandor, Demetrio Feyes, Stephano Myhal, Benedicto litterato, Alberto Lazlo, Stephano Anthal, Benedicto Nagh, Blasio Simon, Georgio Thoth, Michaele Mathosy, Anthonio Chonoak, Gregorio Nylas, Ambrosio Nagh, Stephano Balog, Demetrio Nylas, Francisco Erdely, Vrbano Nylas, Blasio Valentino Koncz, Adriano Nyry, Thoma Sypos, Ambrosio Kondor in Mylotha, Mathia Foztho, Nicolao Karmaczy, Thoma Weres, Sebastiano Weres, Dominico Kowach, Michaele Nagh, Sebastiano litterato, Clemente Weres, Petro Molnar, Luca Kys, Benedicto Mathe, Paulo similiter Mathe, Alberto, Paulo Molnar, Petro Gembecz, Georgio Wyg, Michaele Bartha, Stephano Horwath, Andrea Wedergyartho, Laurentio Balogh, Michaele Kowach, Luca Nagh, Paulo Marthon, altero Paulo Armos, Jacobo Barhta, Dionisio Halaz, Michaele Chekey, Stephano Dwzka, Michaele Moldway, Benedicto Andoryasy, Valentino Nagh, Johanne Zolthan, Mathia Nagh, Francisco Bartha, Matheo Barthos, Petro Wyd, Mathia Kys, Luca Warga, Vrbano Feyes, Michaele Feke in Esthwandy antedicta Johanne Anthal, Martino Chyrke, Gallo Mathe, Paulo Nagh, Georgio Pathyod, Simone Olah, Kanthor Kathelyn, Clemente Nehez, Stephano similiter Nehez, Valentino Poka, Thoma Poka, Anthonio Kegyes, Andrea Somogy, altero Andrea Bedycz, Ambrosio Zwrky, Thoma Ango, Ambrosio Zype, Simon Warga, Luca Erdews, Francisco Thalpalo, Petro Mezaros, Johanne similiter Mezaros, Thoma Gaspar, Dyonisio Myzaros, Gregorio Izgho, Alberto Nehez, Nicolao Mezaros, Michaele Halaz, Sixto, Thoma Chethy, Simone Mezaros, Jacobo fabro, Benedicto Molnar, Blasio Fazakas, Ambrosio Illyes, Johanne Gaspár, Benedicto Almasy, Siluestro, Emerico Kanthor, Nicolao Bediko, Petro Bediko, Georgio litterato, Matheo Warga, Paulo litterato, Michaele Warga, Demetrio Morocz, Fabiano Balas, Valentino Kyraly, Martino Borhy, Alberto Lazló, in Korod, Matheo Thoth, Gregorio Kys, Thoma Thekes, Bartholomeo Molnar, Marko Kyraly, Demetrio Kosa, Johanne Molnar, Gregorio Anthal, Georgio Lazlo, Gregorio Bartha, Adriano Kyraly, Nicolao Barlya, Luca Pagy, Forys Lukach, Petro Kyraly, Benedicto Patho, Johanne Walkay, Stephano Lwkach in Cheke, Stephano Gyarmathy, Valentino similiter Gyarmathy, Johanne Gyarmathy, Paulo Fylesdy, altero Paulo Myhal, Valentino Fylesdy, Francisco similiter Fylesdy, Johanne Karos, Elia similiter ..., Blasio Nag, Vincentio similiter Nagh, Gallo Nagh, Matheo Fylesdy, Francisco similiter Fylesdy, Blasio Kosa, Stephano, Johanne Nagh, Petro Thoth, Valentino Fylesdy, Petro Pyspek et Johanne Zolthan in Fylesd possessionibus vocatis omnino in comitatu Zathmariensi existentibus commorantibus - jogabionibus - ”Peren-i Gábor szatmármegyei Cseke nevű birtokán lévő kúriájára törve hatalmaskodtak, több holmit és aprójószágot Kende Péter cégényi birtokrészére vitettek 200 forint kárt okozva, - jelenjenek meg. Datum Bude, feria tertia proxima ante festum sacratissimi Corporis Christi, anno eiusdem millesimo quingentesimo nono.– Regeszta forrása: OL regeszta (FNA, Borsa) PERÉNYI IMRE NÁDOR Graphics: 
Családi levéltárak (P szekcióból), Perényi család (Q 148) 71112, in:, URL <>, accessed 2025-03-10+01:00
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