Charter: Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 170
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CXXVII. Parlaments-Acte, betreffend die Uebertragung des Stahlhofes an die deutsche Hanse. 1475, März 23. ')
Source Regest: 
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 170, S. 335

Current repository
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 170, S. 335


    Edwardi Quarti Exemplificatio actus Parliamenti concessionis domus Stüliardanae de anno regis XV? ') Das Original-Transscript, so wie ein anderes vom Könige James I. a. r. XVII (1620), Joni 17, so wie eine Abschrift in dem Pergament-Codex in Folio sind im lübecker Stadt-Archive. Diese ExempliQcation wird aufgerührt in Calendariam rotulorum patentium p. 320 ond Prynne's Tower Becords p. 697.

    142 1475, März 23.

    Edwardus, Dei gracia rex Anglic et Francie el dominus Hibernie, omnibus, ad quos presentes liltere peruenerint, salutem. Inspeximus quendam actum in parliamento nostro apud Westmonasterium, sexto die Octobris, anno regni nostro duodecimo ») summbnilo el tento, el per diuersas prorogaciones vsque ad et in vicesimum tercium diem Januarii, anno regni nostri quarto decimo, a) continuato et tunc tento, per nos de auisamento et assensu dominorum spiritualium et temporalium ac communitatum regni nostri Anglie in dicto Parliamento dicto viccsiino tercio die Ianuarii existcnlium ac aucloritate eiusdem parliament factum in lice verba.

    Whereas for the reducing of the merchauntes of Almayne, beyng of the liege and confede- racion of the Duche Hanze, to the oolde free communicacion and enlercourse of merchaundise with the people of this reame of Englond and the people of the said Duche Hanze with theym for the common wele of either partie, amonge other appoyntements it hath been agreed and accorded be- twene the kynge, our souereigne lord, and the people of the said Duche Hanze, thai the said mer chauntes of the Hanze should haue a certeyn place within the cite of London, called the Stilehol, otherwise called the Stileyerd, with diuers houses therto adioyning, to haue to theym and their suc- sessors in perpetuyte, beryng like charges for dedes of almes and pite, to be susteyned as the pro prietaries of the same before tyme haue born by force of olde fundacions or by the laste willes of cristen people: for the accomplishement and perfourmyng whereof and for the consideracions afore- seid, where the maire and communialte of the cite of London be seased in their demeane as in fee of the said place called the Stilehof, otherwise called the Stileyerd, with thappurtenances late apper- teynyng vnto John Reynwell, late alderman of the cite aforeseid, sette and liynge in the parissh of Alhalowen the more in Thamystrete, in the warde of Dow gate of London, to thenlent, that thissues and profites therof should be disposed in dedes of pite and charite, accordyng to the laste wille of the seid John Reynwell, declared by the laste wille of William Stafford; and where also the seid maire and communialte of the seid citee be possessed of certeyn meases, londes and lenementes with thappurtenances adioygning to the same place, sett and liyng in the said parissh and warde, for terme of yeres, whereof XXXII yeres be to come jnmediately after the fest of Ester, that shal be in yere of our Lord MCCCCLXXV, 8) to thenlent aboue seid, the reuercion therof vnto the priour and couent of the hospitall of oure lady of Elsinspittell within Crepulgate of London and their succes sors belongyng; and also where the bisshop of Winchestre is seased in his demeane as in fee of an annuell rent of IUI shelynges VI pennys, goyng oute of the said place, called Stileyerd, as in the right of his church of seynt Swithyn of Wyncheslre of olde fundaeions and in pure and perpe- tuell almes; and where also the priores of the hous of oure Lady of Clerkenwel beside London in the shire of Middelessexe is seased in her demeane as in fee as in the right of the same hous of an annuell rent of XXXV shelynges yerely goyng oute of the said place called the Stileyerd of olde fun dacions and in pure and perpetuel almes, as it is afore seid: It is ordeigned by oure said souereigne lord by thaduice and assent of his lordes spirituelx and temporelx and the commons in this present

    >) 1472, October 6. ') 1175, Januar 23. •') Also bis mm Jahre 1307.

    1475, März 23. 143

    parlement assembled and by thauctorite of the same, that the seid merchauntes ot Almayne, beyng vndre and of the confederation, liege and compayne of the said Duche Hanze, otherwise called merchauntes of Almayne, hauyng an hous in the cite of London, commenly called Gildhalla Teulonicorum, that nowe be or hereafter shal be, shall haue, hold, enyoie and possede to theym and their successours for euer more the said place called the Stilehofe, otherwise called the Slileyerd, with thappurtenances; and also shall haue, hold, enyoie and possede to theym and to their suc cessours duryng the said terme of XXXII yeres all the same meases, londes and tenementes with their appurtenances.

    And also it is ordeigned by the said auctorite, that the same merchauntes shall haue lo the) m and to. their successours all the same meases, londes and tenementes inmediately after the said terme of XXXII yeres determyned', yeldyng and paying oule of al the said place, meases, londes and tene mentes, which the said merchauntes shall haue by vertue of this acte, to the said maire and com- munialte and to their successours of euermore yerely an annuell and acquite rent of thre score and ten pound thre shelynges and foure penys al foure festes of the yere, that is to say at the feste of the natiuite of seint John Baptist, seynt Michel I the 'arcangell, the natiuite of oure Lord and Ester by euyn porcions; And also yeldyng and paying to the said maire and communialte and to their suc cessours out of all the same place, meses, londes and tenementes yerely during the said terme of XXXII yeres therlene pondes, se xtene shelinges and eight penys at the said foure festes by euyn por cions; yeldyng and paying also yerely to the said bisshop and to his successours oule of the same place, meses, londes and tenementes foure shelinges and sex penys at the said foure festes by evyn porcions; yeldyng also and paying yerely to the said priores and couent of the same hous and their successours oute of the same place, meses, londes and tenementes thirty {and fyve shellinge al the festes aforeseid by euyn porcions; the first day of al the said paymentes to begyn at the fest of the natiuite of seynt John Baptist the said yere of oure Lord.

    And yf it hapne the saide rent of LXX pondes III shelynges IUI penys to be behynd vnpaied, in part or in all, at any of the festes aforesaid, that thenne il shal be leful by thautorite aboue seid to the seid maire and communialte and to their successours, by theym, their attorneys, minislres and seruauntes for euermore into all the same place, meases, londes and tenementes with their appurte- naunces to entre and distreyne and distresses by theym so taken lefully carie and bere away and towardes theym reteyne vnto the tyine, that they of the same rent and the arrerages therof with their costes and damages Iherynne by theym had and susteyned be satisfied and contente. And if it hapne the said rent of XIII pondes XVI shelynges VIII penys to be behynd vnpayed in parte or in all al any of the festes aforeseid, whenne it aught to be payed duryng the said terme of the said XXXII yeres, that thenne it shal be lefulle to the said maire and communialte and their successours by theym, their attorneys, ministres or seruauntes into »II the same place, meases, londes and tenementes their appurlenaunces to entre and distreyne and the distresses so by theym takenne lefully carie and bere away and towardes theym reteyne vnto they of the same rent of XIII pondes XVI shelynges VIII penys and the arrerages therof with their costes and damages theryn by theym had and sus

    144 1475, März 23.

    teyned to theyni be fully satisfied and content. And if it hapne, the said rent of IUI shelynges VI penys to be byhynd vnpayed in part or in all at any of the festes aforeseid, whenne it aught to be payed, that thenne it shal be lefulle to the said Bisshop and his successours into all the same place, meses, londes and tenementes with their appurtenaunces to entre and dislreigne and the dis tresses so takene lefulle carie and bere away and towardes theym reteyne vnto they of the same rent of III! shelynges VI penys and the arrerages therof with their costes and damages thereynne by theym had and susteyned be fully satisfied and content. And if it diapne the said rent of XXXV shelynges to be behynd vnpayed in part or in all at any of the festes aforeseid, whenne it aught to be paied, that thenne it be lefulle vnto the said priores and couent and to their successours into alle the same place, meases, londes and tenementes with their appurtenaunces to entre and dislreigne and the dis tresses so by theym takene lefulle to carie and bere away and to theym reteyne vnto they of the same rent of XXXV shelynges and the arrerages therof withe iheir costes and damages thervnne by theym had and susteyned to theym be fully satisfied and content.

    And where it is ordeyned by this present act, that the merchauntes aforeseid shalle haue to theym and their successours all the same meases, londes and tenementes sumetyme of the said priour and couent, as welle duryng the said lerme of XXXII yeres, as also after the same terme fynisshed, without eny thyng reserued to the same priour and couent by the same act, oute of whiche meases, londes and tenementes the said priour and couent had to theym and to their successours an annuelle rent of VII pondes yerely during the same lerme. For recompence whereof it is ordeyned and establisslied by the said auctorite, that the said priour and couent and their successours shalle haue and perceyue of the feeferme of the cite of London and the counte of Middlesexe yerely duryng the said lerme of XXXII yeres VII ponde sterlyng, to be paied by the handes of the shirefs of London and counte of Middlesexe for the tyme beyng at the festes of seynt Michelle tharchangelle and Eslir by evyn porcions, withoute any manner of writtes called Liberate or Allocate or any fee or fvne or any other sute in that behalf to be had, savvng oonly the auctorite of this present acte, and that the said priour and couent and their successours by the said auctorite haue preferrement of and for the payment of the said VII pondes yerely duryng the same terme, any graunte or assignement made or to b"e made notwilhstondyng.

    And ouer that it is ordeyned by the said auctorite, that immediately after the said terme determyned the priour and couent of the said hospitalle for the tyme beyng shalle haue and perceyue to theym and their successours for euer XIII pondes VI shelynges VIII penys yerely of the said fee ferme to be paied and takenne yerely by the handes of the sherefs of London and the counte of Middlesexe for the tyme beyng at the same festes of seynt Michelle tharchangelle and Ester, by euyn porcions, withoute any writtes, fee, fyne or other sute in that behalf to be had, as it is aboue said, sauyng oonly the auctorite afore said, and that the said priour and covent and their successours haue preferrement of the same payementes, as is aboue said, any graunle or assignement made or to be made notwithstonding; the same priour for the tyme beyng delyueryng vnto the shereffs for the tyme beyng vponne every such payment by theym so to be made a sufficiaunt acquitaunce and. discharge therof vnder the seale of the same priour for the tyme beyng.

    1475, März 25. 145

    And that by the same auctorite the shireffs of Londonne and connte of Middlesexe for the tyme beyng slialle haue yerely allowaunce vpponne their accompt of euery such payment by force of the said acquitaunce wühoute any writtes or other thyng to be had or sued in that behalf.

    And that by the said auctorite this present acte take effecte from the XXVII day of Marche, that shal be in the same yere of oure Lord a MCCCCLXXV and not afore.

    And where also the abbot of the monastery of seint Sauiour of Barmondesey in the counte of Surrey is seased in the right of bis said monastery in his denicanc as of fee of an annuel rent of XVIII shelynges goyng out of the said place, called the Stilehof, otherwise called the Slileyerd, it is ordavned by the auctorite of this present parlianiente aforesaid, that the said place, houses, londes and tenementes called the Slilehof, otherwise the Stileyerd, and euery parcelle of theym of the said rent »f XVIII shelynges against the seid abbot of Barmondesey and his successours be discharged, and in recompence of the said rent of XVIII shelynges so extincte, it is ordayned by the said auctorite, lhat the abbot of Barmondesey, that nowe is, by what name so euyr he is called, and his succes sours be discharged of all manner corrodies and sustentacions to be graunted at the kyngs prayour, desire, denominacion or writyng, and in no wise be chargeable to graunte any corrodie or susten- tacion at the prayour, desire, denominacion or writyng of the kynge or of any of his heyres from hensforth. And lhat neitbir the said nowe abbot nor any of bis successours be charged of any cor rodie or sustentacion to be graunted at the prayour, desire, denominacion or writyng of the kyng or of any of his heires, kynges of Englond hereafter; but thereof be discharged as sone and immediately as it shalle hapne, the said corrodie and sustentacion to be voide in any manner wise.

    Nos autem tenorein actus predicli ad noticiam oranium et singulorum quorum interest in hac parte duximus exemplificandum per presentes. In cuius rei lesliinonium has litteras nostras fieri feci- nius patentes, teste me ipso, apud VVestmonasterium, vicesimo tertio die Marcii, anno regni nostri quintodecimo. Gunthorpe.

    Exemplificatum per Johannem Gunthorpe et Ricardum Marlyn, clericos.

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