Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 199, S. 373
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 199, S. 373

Nouerint vniuersi per presentes, nos Johannem Stikelton, fremason, et Johannein || Reynoldes, aurifabrum, ciues Londonienses, teneri et firmiter obligari Reginaldo Struse, aldir [I manno de Le stil-
') Ä. Backmann, in diesem Jahre zum Bürgermeister erwählt. ') J. Strube, früher Professor zu
Rostock und Syodicus zu Lübeck; seit 1551 in letzterer Stellung zu Hamburg.
180 1557, Februar 18.
iard London, et fratribus suis, sociis eiusdem domus, in ducentis libris || legalis monete Anglie sol- uendis eisdem Reginaldo et sociis aut eorum vni vel eorum certo attornato seu executoribus suis. Ad quam quidem soiutionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligamus nos et vtrumque nostrum per se pro toto et in solidum, heredes, executores et administratores nostros per presentes, sigillis nostris sigillatas. Datum tercio decimo die Julii, anno regni serenissime domine Mariae, Dei gracia Anglie, Francie Hi- bernieque regine, fidei defensoris et in terra ecclesie Anglicane et Hibernice supremi capitis, secuado.
J. Stolerd.
Sigillauerunt, subscripserunt et liberauerunt in presencia notarii. (Sign, notar.)
By me John Reynold.
The condicion of this obligacion is suche, that if the within bownd John Stickelton, bis exe- cutours and assignes doo well and trulye holde, kepe and performe and fulfill all and euery the co- venauntes, grauntes, clauses, articles and aggrementes and all other thinges on bis and their partye to be obserued and fullfilled, mencioned and comprised in a paire of indentures of covenauntes of the date within written, made betwene the within named Reinold Struse and his feliship, on the one partye, and the saide John Stickelton on the other partye, that is to say in and by all thinges accordinge to the tenour, purporte and trne meanynge of the same indentures, that theo this present obligacion to be utterlye voide, or eise yt shall remayne in füll force and vertue.
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 199, in: Monasterium.net, URL <https://www.monasterium.net/mom/HansischerStahlhof/921184a9-5528-4d47-bec3-53d5314efab4/charter>, accessed 2025-03-15+01:00
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