Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 190, S. 362
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 190, S. 362

Be it ordeyned, established, enacted and provided, by the Kyng our soveraign Lorde, by tbad- vyse of bis Lordes spirituell and temporall, and the Comens of the sarae, in this present parlement assembled, for merchaunts of the Hanse in Almaigne having the house in the Citie of London, co- menly called Gtoildehalda Theotonicorum, that by the auctoritie of this seid parlement, every acte, Statute or ordinaunce, actes, Statutes or ordinaunces heretofore made concernyng merchaunts, merchaon- dises or other wares, extend not to the prejudice, hurte or Charge of the seid merchaunts of the Hanse, contrarie to there auncient liberties, Privileges, free usages, and customes of old tyme graunted to the seid merchaunts of the Hanse, as well by the King's noble progenitours, and ratified and con- fermed by the King's grace, as by auctoritie of diverse parliaments; but that all suche acte, Sta tute and ordinaunce, actes, Statutes and ordinaunces soo made or to be made in derogacion of ther seid liberties, privileges, free usages and custumes, stände and be, as ageynst tbe seid merchaunli and ther successours, and every of them, voide, repeled, annynctished and of none effecte; eny acte, Statute or ordinaunce, actes, Statutes or ordinaunces to the contrarie made or to be made notw.vtston- dyng. Provided allwey, that this acte or any thyng therin conteyned, eilende nott, or be in eny wysse prejudiciall or hurtfull to the Mayre, Shireffes, Citizens or Comynaltie of the Citie of London or eny of them, or the successours of eny of them, of or for eny interesse, liberties, pryveleges, fraunchesis or other thing to them or eny of them geven or graunted by the King's moste noble pro- genytours or predecessours, Kinges of this Realme, or by auctoritie of parliamenl or otherwysse; this present acte or eny thing therin conteyned notwythstonding.
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 190, in: Monasterium.net, URL <https://www.monasterium.net/mom/HansischerStahlhof/c2b16e45-36c7-4d85-8a2a-04e7ef603b31/charter>, accessed 2025-03-03+01:00
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