Charter: Codex principis olim Laureshamensis abbatiae diplomaticus, ed. Lamey, 1768 (Google data)  MMCCCXXX. Donatio Wolfberti in eadem villa.
Signature:  MMCCCXXX. Donatio Wolfberti in eadem villa.

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Codex principis olim Laureshamensis abbatiae diplomaticus ex aevo maxime carolingico, Nr. MMCCCXXX. Donatio Wolfberti in eadem villa. , S. 471

MMCCCXXX. Donatio Wolfberti in eadem villa.

Jn Christi nomine, sub die XVI kalendas Octobris, anno VII id. Sept.

Ludowici regis junioris , ego Wolfbertus donoad sanctum Nazarium &c. in pago Enzwgowe in villa Autinesheim jurna- les vj de terra, & prata ad carradas jj &c.

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