Charter: Whalley Abbey II, ed. Hulton, 1847 (Google data) 248
Signature: 248

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The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey Vol I., Nr. 248, S. 347

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The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey Vol I., Nr. 248, S. 347


    LXIII. Consolidatio vicarie de Whalleye cum personatum eiusdem

    R Dei gratia Couentr. et Lich. episcopus, dilecto sibi in Cristo Archid. Cestrie vel eius offic. salutem, gratiam et * benedictionem. Noueritis nos vicariam quam Rogerus de Whalleye quondam in vita sua obtinuit in ecclesia de Whalleye pcr- sonatui eiusdem ecclesie quem quidam Petrus de Cestria auctoritate

    * This is written in the margin of the Coucher book, and in a more modern hand than the rest of the work.

    ф ?ec rcdintegratio facta fuit per dominum Rogerum de Wescham episcopum; anno domini". xlix. quia ipse consecratus fuit anno domini Mar-ginal Note. The eft'ect of it was to break the order of hereditary succession already noticed, and the surrender of the advowson, together with the act of con solidation, put an end to the peculiar constitution of the benefice itself.

    294 2Tit be obtinet sibi canonice intitulatum consolidasse. Quare vobis mandamus firmiter iniungentes quatinus dictum Petrum vel eius pro- curatorem incorporalem possessionem totius vicarie et omnium bono- rum ad dictam vicariam spectantium una cum psonatu inducatis. Saluis tamen quibusdam possessionibus ab Abbate et conuentu de Stanl. et dño Kogero de Meuland infra dictam parochiam, nomine ecclesie de Blak., obtentis, et saluis fructibus istius anni usq. ad festum sancti Michaelis, si secundum consuetudinem episcopatus ad opus defuncti debeant reseruari. Dat. apud Stanl. pridie kal. Junij, pontifícatus nostri anno quarto.

    De capella de Aluetham.*

    Quia vero aliqui dixerunt, temporibus elapsis, et precipue dñi de Aluetham, quod capella de Aluetham fuit matrix ecclesia, et non capella dependens ab ecclesia de Whalleye,

    * The church of Alvetham, or, according to modern orthography, Altham, was founded by Hugh, son of Lofwine, us a parish church, for which he appears to have obtained the consent of Geoffrey, dean of \Vhalley, by the appointment of Robert, his son, to the rectory. Robert afterwards, on being presented by his father to the rectory of Rochdale, conferred the church at Altham upon Henry, grandson of Hugh de Clayton.

    The pedigree of the family of Altham differs considerably from that given by Dr. Whitaker, but it is taken from the pleadings in the assise de darrein present ment of the chapel of Altham, and may therefore be presumed to be correct :—

    I. Lofwyn de Altham, was succeeded by his son,

    II. Hugo de Altham, temp. Rich., who was succeeded by his son,

    III. Richard de Altham, temp. H. III. His son,

    IV. Hugh de Altham, was succeeded by his son, V. Richard de Altham, who had two sons,

    Hugh, who died s. p.

    William, the plaintiff in the assise.

    VI. William, who lived 1277, was succeeded by his son,

    VII. Simon, living 1301, and he by his son,

    VIII. John de Altham, who had a daughter,

    Johanna, who married Richard, son of John Banastre, of Walton, and carried the estate into that family.

    ¿Ttt. Oe ШijaIlпir. 295

    ideo ponuntur hic instrumenta qualiter dicta capella fuit data cuidam Henrico filio Henrici filij Hugonis de Alue- tham in perpetuam vicariam ecclesie de Wball. per quendam Robertum de Whalleye psonam ecclesie de Rach. et p Galfr. quondam decanum de Whalleye et p dñum Willm. de Cor- nchull Couentr. episcopum, eidem Henrico confirmata, et per ista munimenta liquide apparet, quod dñi de Aluetham dictum Henricum ad eandem capellam quam ecclesiam no- minabant, nec aliquem alium nunquam presentabat. Pon untur etiam hic diuersa auctentica instrumenta, qualiter dñus Petrus de Cestria rector ecclesie de Whalleye predecessor noster, ,l ¡ct.-n ii capellam de Aluetham ad matricem eccle siam de Whalleye tanquam capellam eidem ecclesie annexant et ad eandem de iure pertinens coram iudice delegato a dño Papa per sententiam diffînitiuam a predicto Henrico recupe- rauit. Postea ponuntur placita habita in curia dñi Regis coram Justic., de aduocatione supradicte capelle, inter nos et Willm. de Aluetham, ubi per assisam ad sectam eiusdem Willi factam recogn. fuit, quod dicta capella de Aluetham fuit capella ecclesie matrici de Whall. annexa et de iure pertinens ad eandem per tempus et a tempore cuius contra ry memoria non occurrit, et non matrix ecclesia, prout idem Willmus asserere nitebatur. Ponitur hic quietaclamatio Symonis de Aluetham fratris dicti Willmi de omni iure et clameo, que habuit in eadem capella.

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