Charter: Whalley Abbey II, ed. Hulton, 1847 (Google data) 112
Signature: 112

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Source Regest: 
The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey Vol I., Nr. 112, S. 158

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The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey Vol I., Nr. 112, S. 158


    XL. Carta Henrici cíe Plesyngton de una dimidia acra terre in Ple*yington pro quodam horreo, et de duabus quereubus anntia- tim pro meremio et mortuo bosco comburendo, et de xx porele habend. in boscis de Plesyngton sine pannagio.

    CIA N T presentes et futuri quod ego Henr. de Plesyngton* dedi concessi et hac presenti carta mea confirmaui a me et heredib} meis imppetuum Deo et beate Marie et monachis Loci Benedicti de Stanlawe p salute anime mee et antecessorum et successorum meorum in puram et ppetuam elemosynam unam dimi- diam acram terre in villa de Plesyngton, seil. in campo qui vocatur Hungrchulfeld iuxta le Haybonk, cum libero introitu et exitu ad dic- tam dimidiam acram terre cum bigiset plaustris quandocunq.voluerint, cum housebote et haybote ad illam dimidiam acram terre edificand. et claudend. Concessi et eisdem monachis ut capiant annuatim in bosco meo de Plesyngton duas quercus ad meremium competentes et utiles sine contradictione mei vel heredum meorum vel alicuius p nos ad domos suas edificandas et emendendas in villa de Blak. et extra ubicunq. eis placuerit, et mortuum boscum comburend. apud Blak. quantum capere voluerint, et meremium de alno sufficienter ad sepes

    * Henry de Plesyngton married Diana, who survived. He had iwo brothers, Ro bert, and Richard, and three sons,

    1. Robert de Plesyngton.

    2. Roger de Plesyngton. 3. Elia de Plesyngton.

    He was succeeded by his son, Robert de Plesyngton, temp. 12 Edward I., who had two sons,

    1. John de Plesyngton.

    2. Robert de Alsworth. He was succeeded by his son,

    John de Plesyngton,living 2S Edward I. and 8 EJward II. He married

    Matilda, and was succeeded by his son, Robert de Plesyngton, living 2 Edward III.

    2Ttt. oe îSIafertum. 107

    suas claudend. et reparand. cuin libero introitu et exitu ad boscum incum de Plesyngton cum carectis suis et plaustris omui tempore anui sine alicuius contradictione. Concessi et dictis monachis Loci Benedicti de Stanl. viginti porcos quietos de pannagio annuatim in bosco шcо de Plesyngton cum oimnib} libertatib} et aisiamentis ville de Plesyngton ptinentib}. Tenend. et habend. de me et heredib} meis dictis monachis et corum successorib} in puram et ppetuam elemosynam imppetuum, ita libere et quiete sicut unquam aliqua ele- iuosyna liberius et quietius dari potest et concedi. Nichil omnino a dictis monachis exigentes nisi tamen preces et orationes. Et ego dictus Henr. et heredes mei predictam dimidiam acram terre cum predictis libertatib} et aisiamentis dictis monachis de Stanlawe et eorum suc- cessorib}, sicut liberam elemosynam nostram, contra omnes homines et feminas warantizabimus imppetuum. In cuius rei testimonium huic presenti scripto p me et heredib} meis sigillum meum apposui. Hijs testib}, dño *Roberto Banastre, Henr. de Lee- f tune vie Lane., H. de Clayton tune senesc.| de Blak. Henr. fil. Ad. de Blak., Rob. de Plesyngton, Gilberto de Ruysston, Joh. de Stodlee, Elia de Plesyngton, Willo de Haukeschagh, Joh. fil. Rob. de Meluer, Joh. capellano de Blak., et alijs.

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