Charter: Whalley Abbey II, ed. Hulton, 1847 (Google data) 41
Signature: 41

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Source Regest: 
The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey Vol I., Nr. 41, S. 91

Current repository
The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey Vol I., Nr. 41, S. 91


    VII. Confirmatio Hugonis Couentrensis episcopi de ecclesia de Eccles facto, G. alfrido Biron.

    ~^f~ U GO* miseratione diuina Couentr. episcopus tam clericis I B quam laicis p episcopatu Couentr. constitutis salutem gratiam J^_ \_) et benedictionem. Nouerit uniuersitas vestra nos ad presen- tationem Edithe de Barton consensu Roberti Grelley dedisse et cöcessisse Galfr. de Biron clerico medietatem ecclesie de Eccles cum omib} ptinëtijs suis in puram et ppetuam elemosynam quam pxïo possedit Suanus clericus. Et ut hec nostra cöcessio rata et incöcussa pmaneat eam presentis scripti munimine et sigilli nostri impressione roborauimus. Saluo nobis et successorib} nostris iure episcopali et parochiali. Dat. apud Wynewhik mense Aprilis anno secundo postquam rex Anglie Ricardus Jerosol. profectus est.- f Presentib}

    * Hugh Nouant, consecrated Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry A.D. 1186,33 Henry II. and died 27th March, 1199,1 John. t i. e. A.D. 1192, for Richard departed on the Crusade 6th March, A.D. 119(1.

    40 ГЧ. De

    hijs, Hob. Archid. Cestrie, magro Willo Dured, Ernulpho capello, Petro de Bury, Henr. de Lond, J. decano de Mamecestr.,* Nich. de Croston, Stepho de Waleton, magro Pho Sampson, Rob. clerico de Budiford, Rob. de Nouant, Galfro Saluagio, Patricio de Prestecot, Hug. clerico de Wynewhik, Ric. de Prestecot, R. de Heyton, Phi- lippo de Kynton.

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