reference number
The object's indentification number inside the current structure, e. g. the number in a book of documents and identifying characteristics which distinguish it from other documents- thus, no inventory abbreviations, but rather just the number, and in necesary cases, the age determination. For handwritten documents, the library's assigned indentification numbers will be incorporated.
Abstract which summarizes the legal contents of a charter document; either a short header in some editions or a more detailed long-abstract with verbatim citations. Note: All abstracts must name the author/sender of a document and should mention its receiver.
- Language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case the element's language deviates from the language of the surrounding text or from the element's conventional language
place where issued
The place from which the document was issued, if known. The name should be in the mordernized form used in the same language as the abstract; if the modern form is unknown, then in the same form as in the original text.
- Identification: The place name and closer identification through geographic and administratively superior units, such as Leopoldsdorf (GB GF, NÖ); Hebertshausen (LK Dachau, BY). Other equally possible locations shall be listed separated by a semi-colon (";"). Locations with several names in different languages shall be listed by the version most commonly used today. Alternative names shall be listed seperated by a forward slash ("/"), such as Bratislava/Pressburg/Pozsony (GB Bratislava, SK).
- Existence: Locations no longer in existence or intermittently abandoned settlements will be labeled with a short description.
- Reliability:
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
date in the original
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
description of original
describes the original of the document as kept in archives
archival identification
gives the institutional reference of the document (with repository, shelf mark etc.)
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
Authentication by a notarius
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
seal descriptions
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
writing support
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
other external features
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
Other textual witnesses
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
Commentary on diplomatic features and content
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
index of things
- index name:
- lemma:
- sublemma:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
index of persons
- regular name:
- certainty:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
geographical index (place names)
- regular:
- still existent:
- certainty:
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
topographical index
- regular name:
- still existent:
- certainty:
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- foot number:
- place (foot, end, marginal):
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- original:
- type:
- hand:
- certainty:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
citation with source
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
index of keywords
- index name:
- lemma:
- sublemma:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- value ([Y]YYYMMDD):
- certainty:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
date range
- from ([Y]YYYMMDD):
- to ([Y]YYYMMDD):
- certainty:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
person name
- regular name:
- certainty:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
place name
- regular name:
- still existent:
- certainty:
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
geographical name
- regular name:
- still existent:
- certainty:
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- regular name:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- type:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
archival identification
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
name of the archive
- expanded:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
archival fond
- expanded:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
Manuscript Identification
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
domicile of archive or library
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
name of repository
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
way of tradition
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
notes extra sigillum
- type:
- position:
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.
physical description
- language: contains an abbreviation (such as: de, la, mhd, hu), in case that the object languages deviates from the usual language of the context in which the object is embedded.