Charter: Documents of Early England Data Set 00461065
Signature: 00461065
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Littera acquietanciae de compoto testamenti reddito. (Absolution, Memorandum, ) Givers: BEVERLEY MINSTER (BEVERLEY MINSTER - ST. JOHN EV. COLLEGIATE CHURCH) Receivers: THOMAS PRESTFRENDE, ROBERT DE HOLDERNESSE DE GARTON
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Memorandum quod cum nos Auditor causarum Capituli Beati Johannis Beverlacensis Thomam dictum Prestfrende et Robertum de Holdernesse de Garton executores testamenti Thomae nepotis Domini Adae capellani de Garton ad reddendum finalem compotum super administratione sua in bonis praedicti Thomae facta fecerimus coram nobis ad certos diem et locum judicialiter evocari comparuerunt executores praedicti sufficienter et legitime secundum formam citationis praedictae quorum compoto audito ac imputatis imputandis invenimus dictos executores voluntatem dicti defuncti fideliter implevisse Propter quod ipsos executores ab omni honere administrandi quoad officium nostrum attinet absolvimus per praesentes quas sigillo Capituli Beati Johannis praedicti fecimus muniri Datas Beverlaci Nonas Aprilis anno Domini m ccc quinto
Source Fulltext: Memorials of Beverley Minster. The Chapter Act Book of the Collegiate Church of St. John of Beverley, A.D. 1286-1347. A. F. Leach. Surtees Society, V.98. Surtees Society. Andrews & Co. London. 1897.


Date: A.D. Calendar
  • Memorials of Beverley Minster. The Chapter Act Book of the Collegiate Church of St. John of Beverley, A.D. 1286-1347. A. F. Leach. Surtees Society, V.98. Surtees Society. Andrews & Co. London. 1897.
  • Beverlacensis, Beati Iohannes, Capitulum
  • Garton, Robertus de Holdernesse de, executor testamenti Thomae nepotis Domini Adae capellani de Garton
  • Prestfrende, Thomas, auditor causarum Capituli Beati Iohannis Beverlacensis, executor testamenti Thomae nepotis Domini Adae capellani de Garton
  • Thomas, nepos Domini Adae capellani de Garton
  • General: 
    • Absolution
    • Memorandum
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