Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 192, S. 363
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 192, S. 363
Roll of the Styleard belongyng to the merchaunts of the Hanse. Be it badde in remembrance that a Commission by writte was directed oute of the Kyngs Escheker to the Sheriffs of London in anno XXII.s) Henrici VII., nuper regis Angliae, to enquere, 1| who were the occupyers of the tenements hereafter folowyng, that is to say, one that kyng Richard the II?6 gave to Richard Matford, chapleyn, the VIII yere of his reign l| the XXII day of September, 6) called the diehowse, with II tenements therto adionyng etc
in Wyndgoselane besyde Themmes, whiche tenements the seide kyng Richard hadde by reason of attainder of one John Norlhamton, draper of London, and gyven to the seide Matford for time of his lyfe.
Item also it apperith by the seide wrytte, that the seide kyng Richard the XXI day of May, the VIII yere of his reign 7) gave to one Roger Syglem de Bohemia for his habitation a tenement sette vpon the corner of Wyndgoselane betwene the same lane and the grete Hall of Estlande, whyche also belonged to the seide John Northampton, and that by the seide wrytte the seide Sheriffs shulde enquere, who were the occupyers of the same.
Item by vertue of the seide wrytte one Robert Johnson 8) and William Copynger, the beying Sheriffs of London, returned the seide wrytte and certified before the barons of the Kyngs Escheker, that thei hadde taken an inquisition by the othes of XII men by vertue of the siede wrytte, whiche gave their verdicle, that there was some tyme a cerlein lane called Wyndgoselane optendyng from Themmes strete in the parishe of All Seints the More in London vnto Themmes and that the same lane lieth on the est syde of the grete hall belongyng to the merchaunts of Almayn, called the grete hall of Estlande. In whyche lane the tenement called the diehowse with II tenements lyeng therto, and also the tenement vpon the corner of the seide lane called Wyndegoselane be sette and lyen, whyche lane at the north ende is enclosed with a walle of stone and nowe all the seide tenements annexed to the mansions of the marchaunts of Almayn.
') Eine Scimmese ist eine Tonne für Felle, siehe Urkundl. Geschichte der deutschen Hanse. Th. II. Register. 5) Eine Last.schmalen Bandes lässt einen 'Schreibfehler vermuthen für smal want, schmales Tuch, oder smal waringe, kurze Waaren. 3) Für ein zerbrochenes Fass scheint die Fracht zu gross. 4) Middelmechtig
für middelmetig. . ,
*) 1506, August 22, bis 1507, August J. «) 1384, September 22. ') 1385, Mai 21.
*) Fabyan's Chronicle nennt den Sheriff Thomas Johnson.
Abtheilung II.
170 1513, August 17.
.vi Item Ihe XV yere of kyng Edward Ute llllth all tbe meses and tenements betwcnc the halt
of Esllande, callcd Gvildehalda Theutonieorum, and the Slalehalfe, wbych ys theire dynyng hall, were gyven to the marchaunts of ibe Hanse and theire successors by auetonte of parliament, aecor- dyng to dyvers appoyntatious taken al a diete holden at Vtride belwene the seide kyng Edward tbe HIIt.h and Ihe marchaunts of the Hanse the XIIII'.11 yere of the reign of the seide kyng Edward the IIU'." ,. ,v . ,,. .
All whyche premissed hath bene viewed and sene by the right honorable councellors to oure souereign lorde, kyng Henry the VIH. that nowe rs, (hat is to say by Thomas Dokwra, lorde of saint Johnes Jerusaleme in Englonde, l) sir Thomas Lovell koyght, Tresorer of howsebold with oure saide nowe souereign lorde» 8) and sir Thomas Englefeld knygbl. 3)
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 192, in: Monasterium.net, URL </mom/HansischerStahlhof/377b96ce-5b83-4a6a-8084-f12467f96ac4/charter>, accessed at 2024-12-12+01:00
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