Charter: Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 196
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CLIV. Ausfuhr englischer Tücher durch die Hanseil und durch särrimtliehe fremde Kaufleute in England. 1562. ')
Source Regest: Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 196, S. 369

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Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 196, S. 369


    Shipped by the Merckauntes of the Slillyardi frotn the ßrsl yeare of King Edward the second unto Michaels last p&st, as by the Ringes recordes of his Grace's Exchequer it dothe plainely

    appeare, as hereaffer followeth. The flrst yeare of King Edward the second (1307) owt

    of this realme of England but VI clothes.

    Brought inlo this realme by the said Marchauntes in

    the sarae firsl yeare in all other wares and marchaun-

    dyse, but td the valew of MlI°XIX»VI«XId whereof

    Ihe kinges Ma«« had for his custome after the rate

    of UId the poond........ Summa XVliIIIlsXd.

    The second yeare of the same king Edward the second

    the said Marchauntes of the StyHyard shipped owt

    of this realme but ■..-..».» VII clothes.

    In all other wares and merchandize to the valew of so

    moch as paied the King in castoiue ...... .• XXXVnXH8Xd.

    The flrst yeare of King Henry the sixt (1422) the said ■ ■ .

    Marchauntes of the StyHyard shipped owt of this

    realme the nomber of IIH^Hl^LXHI clothes XXII yeardes.

    The flrst yeare of King Edward the fourthe (1461)... VI""ICLIX clothes.

    The fiftenthe yeare of King Henry the seavemhe (1500) XXID,1IHcmixxIX clothes.

    The IUI* yeare of King Henry the Eight (1513) XXI,n,VcLVI clotl»es.

    The XXVIllV yeare of King Henry the Eighl (1537).. XXXIIIIn,1VlcmixxXHl clothes & XI yeardes.

    ') Aus einer Handschrift des britischen Museums. Manuscript Cotton. Claudius E. VII. Fol. 99.

    176 1552.

    The XXIXth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXXIII ""VuCLXXVIII clothes.

    The XXXth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXXIIIImlIcXUI clothes.

    The XXXI* yeare of King H. the Eight, which was the first whole yeare that Merchaunl straungers paied but English Custome XXVIImlIIcLX clothes.

    The XXXIIth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXVII mIVIcXIX clothes.

    The XXXIIIth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXIII mlIIlIcXII clothes VI yeardes.

    The XXXIVth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXIIIImlIIcXXI clothes IX yeardes.

    The XXXVth yeare of Henry the VIII* XXVHmlLII clothes VI yeardes.

    The XXXVIth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXXIII mlIXcLXIlI clothes.

    The XXXVIIth yeare of King Henry the VIIIth XXXI mlL clothes III yeardes.

    The XXXVIIIth yeare of King Henry theight and the first yeare

    of King Edward the sixt. (1547) XXIX""VICIII1XXIX clothes.

    The second yeare of King Edward the sixt XLIH^VCHlP^III clothes.

    The third yeare of King Edw. the sixt XLimB,1IHIcII clothes.

    The fourthe yeare of King Edward the sixt XXXlX^VIIlCLIIII clothes.

    Shipped by the Merchauntes straungers from the XI1II* yeare of King Henry the Vll* unto Michaels in the XXX VIII* yeare of King Henry the Eight, as hereafter followeth.

    The XIinth yeare of King Henry the Seaventhe (1523) mB,1IcIIIIxxI clothes.

    The 1111th yeare of King Henry the Eight (1513) HIIm,XXXI clothes.

    The XXVIIIth yeare of King Henry the Eight (1537) VmlIIcLXXIIII clothes.

    The XXIXth yeare of King Henry the Eight IIUBlVIcVIII clothes VIII yeardes.

    The XXXth yeare of King Henry the Eight. This yeare straun gers paied Englische custome and VII ycares after XXVIIImlIIIcXVIII clothes.

    The XXXI* yeare of King Henry the Eight: XXHIImlVcLXVI clothes.

    The XXXIIth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXlX'-'VIlCXXXH clothes.

    The XXXIIIth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXIXmlHcLXVII clothes et VIII yeardes.

    The XXXIIHth yeare of King Henry the Eight XIIH^VFlXXIX clothes.

    The XXXVth yeare of King Henry the Eight XXIIlI^IlClUI^XIUI clothes.

    The XXXVIth yeare of King Henry the Eight LmlIIlcLIX clothes.

    The XXXVIIth yeare of King Henry the Eight XLIlmlVlII clothes.

    Ended the said 7 yeares, and since they paied straungers custome to the King.

    The XXXVIIIth yeare of King Henry the Eight and the first yeare

    of King Edward the sixt XIIHn"VIIcIHIxxXIII clothes.

    The first yeare of King Edward the sixt from Michaels to the

    VIth of July next VIIlClH^X clothes.

    The second yeare of King Edw. the sixt XII1CLX1 clothes.

    The third yeare of King Edward the sixt XIclIIIxxIir clothes.

    1552, Februar 24. 177

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