Charter: Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 232
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XII. Vertrag der deutschen Hanse zu London mit A. Skinner über das bisher von H. Hood bewohnte Haus zu Boston. 1566, März 4.
Source Regest: 
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 232, S. 409

Current repository
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 232, S. 409


    This indenture, made the foureth daye of Marche 1566 and in the nineth yere of the reigne of oure soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of God |] queue of Englonde, France and Irelonde, defendor of the faith etc. betwene Maurice Tymmerman, alderman, and the socyetye marchauntes Easlerlynges of the Duche banse, resydent in | the Slyllyarde within the cytie of London on Ihone partye, and Alexander Skynner of Boston in the countye of Lyncolne, gentleman, on thother partye: Witnesseth that || the foresaid alderman and socyetye for them and their successors and assignes of one assent haue graunted, demysed and to ferme letten, and by these presents do demyse, graunt and to ferme lette vnto the saide Alexander Skynner all that theyr howse, place or mesuage, one vourle C?) • • thervnto belongyng, the key, wharf, wharfage and plankage apperteyning to the said alderman and socyety by vertue of their pryvyleges, graunted to them by the Queue's maieslies noble progenytors, with all shoppes, cellers, warehowses, sollers, casements, commodytyes and appertenances whatsoever to the saide mesuage or howse belongyng or in any wyse apperteynyng, sytuat, lying and beyng in the borough of Boston aforesaide, now or late in the occupacon of Henry Hoode — to haue and to holde all the saide mesuage or howse, and other the premysses with thappertenaunces vnto the foresaide Alexander Skynner, his executors and assignes from the feaste of the natyvytie of St. John Baptist next comyng after the dale hearof vnto thende and terme of twentye and one yeres then next ensuying and fully to be complete and ended, yelding and payeng thearfore yerely vnto the saide alderman and socyetye and to theyr successors, alderman and socyetye of the saide Stylyarde in London for the lyme beyng or to one of them or to theyr certeyne assigne, the some of fortye shillings of lawfull monye of Englonde wythin their sayde mansyonhowse of the Styllyarde in] London as the feaste of the natyvytye of

    216 1566, März 4.

    sainctc John Baptist aforesaide at one whole and entyre payement yerely to be payed. And the saide Alexander Skynner for him, his executors and assignes couenaunleth and graunteth to and with the sayde alderman and socyetye, theyr successors and assignes by these presents, that he, the sayde Alexander, his executors and assignes, in and by all parts and thinges shall repay re and make the saide howse or mesuage with thappertenances (the wharf only excepted) tenantable in flowryng with borde all the seuerall hall and chambers, and in making all and singuler the dores, lockes, kayes, wyndows and in tylyng and all other reparacons agaynste wynde and rayne to make it defensible, and the wyndows of the hall, parlours and three chambers shall do to be glased before the feaste of the natyvytie of St. John Baptist next comyng after this date, at the proper cosies and charges of the same Alexander, his executors or assignes; and the same howse so well and suffyciently tyled, borded, flowred, repayred, sustayned, glased and amended, as before ys sayde, shall also from lyme to tyme in the same good and suffycient reparacons kepe and inaynetayne duryng the saide terme; and by all the saide twenty and one yeres shall not onely cause to be contynually enhabyted and dwelled in by an honest howseholder, but also in thende of the saide terme shall yelde and render up to the sayde alderman and socyetye, their successors and assignes, in suffycient repayre, wyndelhight and waterthight, as aforesayde, the said mesuage with thappertenances. For and towardes the which re paracons and charges in hording, flowring, glasing and repayring, as sone as the same in all presents shall appere to be donne and fynyshed before the feaste of mydsomer next, as before ys sayed, the saide alderman and socyetye for them, their successors and assignes couenaunte and graunte by this indenture well and truely to content and paye or cause to be contented and payed vnto the sayde Alexander, his executors or assignes the some of eight poundes, thurtene shillinges and foure pence of lawfull mony of Englonde at the sayde feaste of the natyvytie of St. John Baptiste next comyng wythowte delaye. And if yt happen, the saide yerely rent of fortye shillinges to be behinde vnpayed, in parte and in all, ouer or after any terme of payement hereof, wherin, as it is afore saide, yt ought to be payed, by the space of one moneth, or yf the sayde sufTycyent reparacyons (after the same is once repayred and made lenauntable) be by the sayde Alexander Skynner omytted and lefte vndonne, after falle founde by the sayde Alderman, society or theyr successors or assignes and warnyng geuen for thamendement and repayre of the same fault, within one moneth next after the same warnyng, whensoever any suche neede shall requyre, jlhat then in eyther of the said cases and at all tymes then after yt shall be lawfull vnto the sayde Alderman and socyetye and theyr successors for the tyme bey ng or to theyr certeyne assigne in all the foresaid mesuage and other the premysses with thappur- tenaunces aboue demysed wholly to reenter and the same to haue agayne, retayne and repossede, and the saide Alexander Skynner, his executors and assignes therof and therfro vtterly to expell, put oute and amoue, this indenture to the contrary in any wyse notwythstanding. And yt shall be lawfull to the saide Alderman and socyetye, their successors or certeyne assigne at all tymes once a yere during the sayde terme at theyr lybertye and pleasure to come and enter into the saide mesuage or tenement and other the premysses aboue leiten with the appurtenances and every parte or parcell thearof, theare to vew and serche, what reparacyons shalbe neadefull to be made and donne. Prouyded allwayes

    1566, März 4. 217

    and yt ys agreed betwene the sayde partyes, that is to saye ihe foresayde Alexander Skynner, for bim, liis executors and assignes convenaunteth and grauntetb by these presents, that every suche per sonne and personnes, as are or hearafter shal be free of the Saide howse of the Stylyarde, resorlyng vnto the sayde mesuage shall, vppon three moheths warnyng, haue reserued and assigned vnto him or them within the sayde mesuage and the scyle thearof twoo chamberroines and twoo warehowses all the whyle of his or theyr abode tbeare from tyme to tyme during the sayde tearme uppon reaso- nable rente to be payed thearfbre to the sayde Alexander and his assignes after the rate of the sayde rent yerely. And the foresayd Alderman and socyetye for them and theyr successors convenaunten and graunten by these presents, that the sayde Alexander Skynner, his executors and assignes all the fore- saide mesuage and other the premysses aboue demysed with lhappertenances for the yerely rent aforesaide in manner and fourme aboue declared shall quyetly and peaceably haue, holde and enjoye duryng all the foresayde tearme of one and twenlye yeres by these presents. In wytnes wheareof to thone parte of tliis indenture, remayning with the sayde Alexander, the sayd Alderman and socyetye theyr common seale haue pulte, and to thother parte of this indenture, remaynyng with the sayde Alder man and socyetye, the sayde Alexander bath putte his seale. Youen the daye and yere fyrst aboue wrytten.

    Per me Mauricius Zimmerman, Alderman.

    Sealed, subscribed and delyuered in the presence of me Thomas Stapelton, seruant to Thomas Wytlon. NB. These wordes: athe wharf onlie excepted" weare enterlyned in the XVIth lyne by thassent of bothe the said parties before. the resealing hereof.

    Auf angeheftetem Papier: Decimo die Aprilis 1567. I Henry Beare of Hüll merchant, do promys to paye vnto Alexander Skynner, one of the custumers of Boston all such money as he, the saide Alexander al request of Mr. Alderman and Company of the Styllyard of London shall deburse and lay out vpon the reparacions and amendments'of the Styllyard wharffe in Boston, eyther for tymber, hard wood, iron, plankes, cariage, workmanship or for any other necessary and nedfull provysion to be employed vpon or about the same. And the same money do bynde me to repay vnto the saide Alexander, as sune as it shall appere by his accompt and reconing in wryting to be sent to me to Hüll, that he hath layd it out for the charge of the same wharff without delay, the same Alexander within his said accompt charging himself to such soms of money, as vnder his own handwryting shall appere to be by him receyued.

    Per me Hennrych Beygerr vann Danczick.

    Rückseile dieses Blattes: Witnes that I Alexander Skynner have at sondry tymes bestowed upon the new buylding of the said Styllyerd Wharffe in Boston within the yeres 1567 and 156S upon a warraunt to me dyrected by the Alderman of the Styllyerd of London for the debursement of the same; the particulars wherof appere Under my bände delyuered to thalderman aforesaid and also in my long boke within my study: the hole some of JAVIII Üb. IX shill. IUI pence. The which some I, the said Alexander, haue received as followeth. Videlicet: of Henry Beare by mine acqui- taunce XI. Aprilis 1567 VIII lib.; of John Lauam, which upon my lelter Henry Beare payed for the said Abtheilung II. 28

    218 1566, Marx 4.

    John to Mr. Parker of Hull XXIX. Aprilis 1567 XIII Hb. VI sta. VIII pence; of Mr. Mauryce Tvmmermao, Alderman, by myne acquitaunce in London 15. Junii 1567 XX üb. Of the saide Henry Beare by thordre of Mr. Peacock by myne acquitaunce 24. Junii 1568 VIII lib. XIII shill. HU pence. Of the saide Al derman by thordre of Symon Martyn upon myne acquitaunce XV. November 1568 XV. lib. and of the same Alderman in füll payment, when I delyuered vp my boke of partyculars in London LX1X sb. IUI pence. In all as before LXV1II£ IVsh. HHd. Alex. Skynner.

    Auf der Rückseite: The Styllyarde in Boston graunted to Alexander Skynner for XXI years at XL schillinges per annum.

    Is surrendered againe the XXIIII of June 1575.

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