Charter: Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 200
Signature: 200

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CXVUl. Bürgschaft über 40 £ für den abseilen der Stahlhofs - Gesellschaft zum Koch angenommenen Heinrich Lermyke. 1557, Februar 18.
Source Regest: 
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 200, S. 374

Current repository
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 200, S. 374


    Nouerint vniuersi per presentes, nos flenricum Lermyke de Bruges in parlibus [| Flandrie, cocum, Tristramum Ballister de London, scirurgicum, et Pasqualem van der l| Beke, residentem in parochia de le Savye apud Templebar, mercatorem extraneum, ac Cornelium Barnes de parochia sancti Clementis apud Templebar predictum, cordewayner, teneri et firmiter obligari Reginaldo Strowse. aldermanno domui1) Hanse Teulonice ciuitatis London, et Henrico van Sigeten, vnius2) magistro- rum domui >) predicte, ac societatibus dicte domui») in quadraginta libris legalis monete Anglice soluendis eisdem Reginaldo et Henrico aut eorum certo attornato seu successoribus suis, aldermaonis et magistris dicte domui 3) pro tempore existentibus. Ad quam quidem soiutionem bene et fideliter faciendam obligamus nos et quemlibet nostrum per se pro toto et in solidum, heredes, executores et administratores nostros per presentes sigillis nostris sigillatas. Datum decimo octauo die Februarii, annis regnorum Philippi et Marie, Dei gracia regis et re gine Anglie, Hispanie, Frantie vtriusque Sicilie, Jerusalem et Hibernie, fidei defensorum, archiducum Austrie, ducum Burgundie, Mediolani et Brabantie, comitum Haspurgi, Flandrie et Tirollie, tercio et quarto. ■ •' E. Pewingar.

    Sigillatum, subscriptum et deliberatum in presentia mei Georgii Revall, servientis notarii.

    ') So für: domus. J) So für: uni. ») So für: dicte domus.

    1563, April 9.

    Auf der Rückseite steht: The condition of this obligation is suche, that wheare the within named alderman, maister and company of the house within written haue admitted the within bound Henry Lennyke to be theire cooke of the same house duringe suche and so longe tyme, as it shall please the same aldermanne, maister and company and their successors, for the yearelie waiges of .. poundes. If therefore the saide Henry Lermyke by all suche and so longe tyme as it shall please the saide alderman, master and company of the saide house, to baue hym continue theare, doo well, truelie honestlie and clenlie dresse all the meate within and for the same house, and doo allso in all things well, honestlie and decentlie vse and behaue hymselfe toward the maisters and company of the saide house, as a man in his office oughle to doo, at all due and laufull tymes withoute fraud or deceipte, that this presente obligacion shalbe vtterlie voide and of none effecte, or else it shall stonde, remayne and abyde in full strength and vertue.

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