Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 208, S. 382
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, Nr. 208, S. 382

Memorandum quod vicesimo sexto die Januarii, anno regni Regine Elizabeth quadragesimo, ista billa deliberata fuit domino custodi magni sigilli Anglie apud Westmonasterium exequendum.
It may please your Lordship to give order, that this bill may passe by imedyat warrant.
Essex. W. Burghley.
Notingham. R. Cecyll.
Elizabeth Regina.
Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Fraunce and Irland, Defender of the faith etc. To our right trustie and welbeloved, the Maior and Sheriffes of our citie of London, greeting. Whereas of late by our Commission directed unto you we did commaunde you to repaire to the House, comonly called the Stilliard, in that our Citie, and for considerations in our said Comission expressed to charge all such marchauntes as belonge to the Haunce Townes, scituate in the Empyre, being resident either within our said Citie or anie other place, to forbeare the trafficque by way of marchandize and to depart out of our domynions by the eight and twentieth daie of this moneth; which our comaundement, we understande, you have signified unto the Alderman of that House and his Companie, from whome petition hath ben made unto our Councell, that there might be a longer day given them for their departure: considering our marchantes at Stoade have had a farre longer tyme given them to depart by the Emperors mandat, and for that also it appearith by dyvers of our subjectes, that there are debtes due to them payable after the same daie, and some debtes also due unto them aunswerable after the same daie; for clearing whereof on both partes, and considering also we are informed of some favour used to our marchantes at Stoade, more then was looked for: Wee are pleased to have the daie of our said comaundement for their departure prolonged, and to permitt them to contynue in the House of the Stylliard untill the last daie of this next moneth of February, or further, as our Councell shall fynde our subjectes well used, to enlarge the same tyme by their letters to be directed unto you. Hereof we require you to gyve them pre-
') Aus The Egerton Papers ed. J. Payne Collier. (Camden Society.) p. 273 sq.
1599, Januar 30. — 1599, Februar 26. 189
sent knowledge of this our favour, charging them, upon their peril!, that none of them attempt to departe in the meane season, without satisfaction of our subjectes for their due debtes, as already our Gouncell by theire letters have gyven you direction.
Urkundliche Geschichte des Hansischen Stahlhofes zu London, ed. Lappenberg, 1851 (Google data) 208, in: Monasterium.net, URL <https://www.monasterium.net/mom/HansischerStahlhof/d5d7eeb9-0f17-45ca-a520-66ab84fac99c/charter>, accessed 2025-03-04+01:00
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